Saturday, 11 December 2010

New Ideas...From You Guys!

I realised two things this fine snowless morning...

1. I don't update this nearly often enough :) Something I am raring to remedy...oh joy...just another thing I'm going to become addicted times :)

2. I barely ever say anything about Beyond the Glass? It's always about Forget Me Not. And just because the latter is 30 chapters longer is no excuse! :) So what can I post about BtG?? I don't actually know...I could start doing my song choices like I did for FMN...but I fear that may become a little overbearing...but what else?

I started a group for FMN...but I don't want to do the same things for all my here I find myself I'm asking my silent maybe throw me a curveball...what can I do?? Assuming of course that you read BtG :P It would help tbh...

Okais, that was all really...

Over and out :)

Sarah xx

Friday, 10 December 2010

What We Learned in Chapter 33!

Soooooooooooo, that was one long ass conversation was it not???? 6500 words dedicated to E & B trying to sort their shit out! And E still doesn't know the whole truth!!!!!! What will it take?? :O

Anyways, because I put so much in there I would just like to make sure that y'all did actually catch it all!

  • E still doesn't know what was in the envelope, Bella was the one who had that flashback, not E.

  • Bella can't have kids.

  • We finally know exactly what is wrong with Bella. If you want you can Google her syndrome, but I assure you it is real, and not something anyone wants to live with.
  • Bella is losing her hair...but why?

  • E has put the pieces together - kind of - just like Emmett told him to do! Only, he won't face the truth? Because the poor boy knows that the only thing tangible in his life is his relationship with Bella. Would you want that to disappear if you were him?

  • We FINALLY know where E was the night Lauren told us he slept with her. I mean, we all knew he didn't do it, but now we know the truth! Phew!

  • And least importantly...we know where E's change of clothes came :P

  • Did I miss anything??

Lol, let me know if I did :) And I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter! :)

Sarah xx

Chapter 33 Tracks!

Sooo...we have come upon another chapter that has two songs! But when E is singing one of them, we can't really complain can we?? :O

The first, another Nickelback number. I swear, every chapter of this fic could start with a Chad's quite depressing to realise really... :P

I'd Come For You - Nickelback

The second, is by British band McFly :P It was never released, but I'm sure y'all will forgive me for using a little known song, because really...the lyrics really do work for our E, don't they? I also realise that if you read this before you review, then I've just given the answer away :P

Walk In The Sun - McFly

Monday, 29 November 2010

New Banner...

Woooooooop! I have a new banner!!!

The absolutely awesome FrozenSoldier (recommended by one of my equally awesome readers) has very kindly made me a kick-ass banner for Beyond The Glass :)

I actually love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lol, apart from the fic sites, you can check it out on my "photos" page :) Tis the top one :)

Isn't it awesome!

I love every single one of you guys and I am truly blessed for all the support I get!

Thanks so much to you all :)

Love Sarah xx

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Chapter 32 Track :)

Hey again! :)

Okay, so A LOT of you won't have a clue who this is. He was once in a boy band...didn't make it on his own...yadda yadda...none of that matters... :P What matters is that the lyrics totally go with what our Edward is going through. No really, read them again if you don't believe me :)

I hope you enjoyed the look into Edward's head...I sure did :)

Don't Let It Go To Waste - Matt Willis

Monday, 15 November 2010

New Fic!

Hey all!

Just a wee note to tell you that my newest fic is up on ffn :)

It's only a one-shot at the moment :P An entry for the 2010 Cherry Exchange Contest :) But, it has promise to be my third fic... :) I like the way it could go :)
Hope y'all can check it out...and maybe even vote for me when the voting opens on Dec. 5th?? :) can find the link on my stories page! :)

Love Sarah xx

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Chapter 31 Track :)

OMFG! I've had such an amazing response to this chapter! I was beginning to think y'all had deserted me, after getting like 5 reviews for the past few chapters, but y'all are back in force! And I love you all for them!!!!!!! :)

So...everybody loves the Goo Goo Dolls, no? And the fact that this video has Shia in it is just an added bonus :P

The Goo Goo Dolls - Before It's Too Late

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Beyond The Glass

Okay! So I'm totally excited about this new project!!

Yes, I know I first mentioned it like....months ago...but it is finally live on Twilighted, ffn and TWCS :)

Nothing makes it more real, than when the reviews start to trickle in...yes trickle, because for some reason my readers are always afraid to push that review button...

I'm so not a review whore...I promise :P

While I am silently freaking out about writing three different projects (the newest one is secret, save the name), I am loving each and every one of them and have no intention of letting any of them slip :)

I hope y'all can take a few minutes to check out Beyond The Glass :) You'll find a link to it on the "My Stories" page :)


Love Sarah xx

Friday, 22 October 2010

Chapter 30 Title Track :)

So as the title suggests...this is yet another unhappy chapter for our couple :(

I know, I know, y'all hate me...but please have a little faith that the universe will right itself in time :)

To capture the angst I picked the All-American Rejects (who else?) This one is called It Ends Tonight (Try not to cry :/)

It Ends Tonight - The All-American Rejects

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Chapter 29 Track!

Okay, so this was the most last minute song choice I've ever had! Literally minutes before I was ready to post I decided (yet again) that I didn't like the song I had chosen...

As if by chance this little number just happened upon my iPod :) The lyrics even led me to a few wee "tweaks" here and there in the chapter :P

So this one is by a little known band called Athlete...well I say little simply because they're not quite "Jo Bro" status :P If you know them, go you! Cause they're awesome :)

Athlete - Wires

Saturday, 25 September 2010

Third Nomination!!

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Guess what?? Okay so the title of this post kind of gives it away...but you can still guess if you want :P

I've just been notified that I am up for a third award!!! That's three in like...2 months :):) This time it's me that's getting recognised :P

I'm up for Mistress of Mystery at the Twinklings Walk of Fame Awards! How awesome?

Should I take offense that y'all seem to think I leave you hanging around for answers? Lol tis cool I'm not a cliffie bitch but I do know that y'all have waited a longggggggg time for some of the answers in FMN :)

Thanks for sticking with me :P I'll let you know when it's open for voting :)

Love you all!!


Chapter 28 Title Track :)

Hey all! Sorry I haven't been posting on here for ageees, it hasn't been letting me sign in? Which is a little silly really seeing as it's my blog :P

This is the song choice for chapter 28...I think the lyrics fit quite well no? The way Bella & Edward used to feel? The way Bella held him on a pedestal? We all know how that turned out for her... :P

When You Were Young - The Killers

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Shock Horror!


No, no, none of that...jeez stay on track! :P

I just finished writing chapter 28 of FMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

This is actual so exciting????????????? I can't believe I did it!!!! F*** You writer's block! :)

Word of warning though? I actually cried while writing a part of it...that has NEVER happened to me before...this is not a happy chapter! :(

I'm thinking a week? I should leave it a lengthy amount of time to both give me time to prepare 29 and not get your hopes up about quick updates all of a sudden :P

Thanks so much for all your amazing reviews on chapter was a big one for me as you guys know! I love all your support!



Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Chapter 27 Track! :)

Who doesn't love a bit of John Mayer? Don't deny know you love at least one of his songs :P

In all honesty; this isn't my favourite track off the Battle Studies album but the lyrics certainly resonate with Forgetfulward at this point :) Enjoy...

John Mayer - War of My Life

Monday, 30 August 2010

Vote For FMN!

Hey guys!

VOTING HAS OPENED! Over on the Twilight All-Human Awards :)

You can vote by clicking the following link! Click on the tab "Voting" and then the link that says "place your vote" :)

Forget Me Not is around half way down the list for question 3!

Please, please, please vote! :)

Sarah xx

Friday, 27 August 2010

Award Nomination! :)

Hey guys!

Just a little note to tell you that Forget Me Not has been nominated for a Twilight All-Human Award! :O:O

It's under the category of "Fanfiction that had you hooked for drama." Can you believe that? When have I ever left y'all hanging with my angst??? Lol :)

I'm beyond honoured by this, and I've yet to find out who nominated me but y'all can know that it means soo much to me in the most genuine way :)

Voting doesn't open until August 30th but after that I'll be hounding you all to go on over and vote for us! :)


Love you all!

Sarah xx

Thursday, 19 August 2010

My 18th!

Guess who's just sent out their unofficial birthday invites?

God, do you ever get that way when you're scared you throw a party and no one will show up? Aha how sad would that be :P Lol, I've sent out 80 invites so I'm hoping at least a tenth of that shows up :P

Lol! So y'all can get your Halloween outfits sorted and get to Glasgow for my 18th...because of course I have combined them :P Everyone's favourite time of year :P

Cheap flight? Cheap I'll love to see y'all there :)

I'll update the deets closer to the time lol, when I actually have a venue :P

Sarah xx

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Esme Bashers Anonymous

Hey all!

It's been a while since chapter 26 of FMN went up I know but life has been rough for the past few weeks :P

As promised the names have been narrowed down and I've chosen our remaining special few for the group! The names as are follows...

  • LiveInDakota

  • mrsedwardcullen912

  • sweetiedolphin

  • Daisy-Snow

  • DodgerMcClure

  • Balti K

  • amynic1

  • Laura AK-A

I finally declare our group EBA open! Let the bashing commence...

*EBA does not condone domestic abuse or any other kind...and yes I know...the picture sucks... :)

Sunday, 15 August 2010

Banner by Mel!

Hey all!

Just a quick note that the awesome Mel has taken some time out to create me a banner :P

Y'all can check it out at the bottom of the page (hers will have her name beside it), where it'll always stay :)

THANKS MEL!!!!!!!! :)

Love ya xxxxxxxx

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

New Banner...

It has come to that time again folks!

Forget Me Not needs a new banner, one that is up to date and on the money with what is happening...

I'm totally rubbish at banners...I don't even know where to start tbh...some of the work out there is amazing and I know I can't do that :P

Is there anyone out there willing to make me a kick ass one? You will be rewarded! As always! :P I leave it to your creative genius but I will ask one has to have the FMN line in know the one...where Edward goes all cute? :P

"The only thing that defines you..."

Pretty please????????

Over and out xxxxx

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

E is for...

So chapter 26 is up! And the reviews are streaming in! It's pretty obvious to me today that very few of y'all like Esme...I apologize to those of you who have always loved her and I've ruined it...but no one is a saint...

DodgerMcClure, a reviewer who has been with me from the start, left me this little message today...

"E is for's also for Esme. Those two go together."

Totally right! As this chapter brings us closer to Edward remembering the Big Cullen Family Secret, it's increasingly obvious that Esme is the stem of the problem...

Just what is she hiding eh? Aren't you just dying to know? Lol, I ain't going to tell you! Not until the next chapter anyways :P

Love me :) xx

Chapter 26 Track! :)

This one is the second single from American Idol 2009 winner Kris Allen :P The wee cutie that we all loved :P Lol how hard was it to vote that year? And I'm not even American :P

This one is ironically called The Truth and is oh so fitting for our pair...while still reminding us how much more there is to be said :/

Kris Allen - The Truth ft Pat Monahan

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Chapter 25 Track :)

Miss Ellie Goulding is the newest little songstress on the scene in Britain at the moment and when you look past her lisp she's pretty awesome :P

She was performing on the third biggest stage at T in the Park last weekend (the biggest tent you've ever been in) and she was amazing :P Hat off to her :P

This one...the newest release is the sweetest and slowest of her songs and I think you'll agree it melts your heart just a little when you listen to it and think of our Edward and Bella :P

The Writer - Ellie Goulding


Ahaaaaa how proud are you? I finally went to see Eclipse last night :) I should be ashamed to call myself a fan but these past few weeks have been seriously hectic!

What can I say? Eh? All you guys that told me how you felt when you saw it...yeah, you were all right...the leg hitch anyone?? Jeez that had to be the best bit did it not?

I can safely say that after seeing it I am still very much team...Charlie!!!! In the least sexual way possible of course but I love him! He's just too cool :P

As for the talent? God those guys should seriously be illegal! The body on Taylor...the jaw, eyes and hair on Rob...and just the whole Xavier package....I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one who was a puddle of goo on the floor when it finished...

A friend and I are going to carry Xavier's picture round and a bottle of water...let me explain...remember the very first scene? Of course you find the perfect throw the water over the guy and hold up the picture...that way you know it's a good enough replacement :P Lol

Of course I'm still team Robsten and one can take away my love for those two things...but there's no harm in a little extra eye candy is there? :P

Anyways rant over...just thought I'd share :) IT WAS AWESOME...I mean obv there were bits that were wrong and what not but you just kind of have to turn a blind eye to those parts :P Some of it was incredibly corny and other bits...well lets just say the sexual inuendo's in our screen were rife :P

Anyhoo, thanks for all heads up and little "look out fors" now that I have finally seen it I shall get back to you guys on them :)

Love ya xxx

Chapter 24 Title Track :)

Why does every Nickelback song have to be so damn sad? The video for this doesn't exactly fit our favourite pair's relationship but you get the drift by now :)

Never Gonna Be Alone - Nickelback

Friday, 16 July 2010

Delay in Posting :O

I'm back in the land of reality!!!

T in the Park was absolutely phenomenal!!!! If any of y'all have never done a festival I swear it is definitely on the list of "Things to do before you die!"

I know I promised an update to Forget Me Not by like 3 days ago but I had a bit of a family how R.L gets in the way huh?

So I opened up chapter 25 of FMN to see how much needed to be done and honestly got a bit of a shock...I thought I had written far more than I had so I apologize but the next update probably won't come this week :(

I appreciate all the patience and little notes I've been receiving from y'all this week and I swear that FMN is still very much on top of my list of priorities :)

Sarah xx

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Chapter 23 Tracks!

Oooh...another one with two songs...must be important :P

The first is a bit of Owl can never go wrong with Adam's lyrics (that's his name, didn't you know?) From his newest album, Ocean Eyes, this is sweet and slow :P

Owl City - Vanilla Twilight

The second, which was going to be another installment from The Script boys, also named "I'm Yours" (everyone goes to check it out, then comes back), but I settled on Mr Mraz and his summer hit, 'cause it's quirky and to the point :P

Jason Mraz - I'm Yours

Monday, 28 June 2010

Chapter 22 Track :)

This one comes from Rooster :) An English indie band that we all know but probably forget that we do :P This song has been doing the rounds since 2005 so it's not exactly new :P

Deep and Meaningless - Rooster

Saturday, 19 June 2010

New Fic!

As it suggests up at the top of the page, I'm writing another fic :) This one's called Beyond The Glass, and I have to say that no-one guessed the storyline right in my wee twitter competition earlier in the month :)

I'm posting this now to let y'all know because I've just finished writing the first chapter and I'm really looking forward to this one :) I hope when the time comes y'all will support me and give it a wee flick through :)

I'll let you know when it's going up on here and in my author's notes for Forget Me Not so that I can get the word out :)

Basically...Edward Cullen is a multi Grammy award winning, platinum selling artist and struggling to find inspiration for his newest album. Bella Swan moves into the same record label and is thrown in at the deep end as she begins the journey to her debut material.

Throw in their feuding differences in art and many long nights at the studio and there is bound to be tension :)

Plenty of fluff and lemons to keep y'all occupied, not to mention an Edward that is never without his piano or his guitar :):) So when the time comes I hope y'all enjoy it :P

Chapter 21 Track :)

This weeks song is the debut single from little British songstress Pixie Lott :)

Mama Do - Pixie Lott

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Chapter 20 Title Track! :)

I came across this wee gem when I was watching the first season of 90210...however long ago that was...yes, I watched it *hides in shame* but I have stopped now you will be pleased to know...there are much better things out there :) In my opinion of course :P

Carolina Liar - Show Me What I'm Looking For

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Chapter 19 Tracks :)

The intro to this is as it says Nickelback :) For a semi-rock group Chad's lyrics are amazing!!

Nickelback - Far Away the cuteness comences we have TAKE THAT!!!! I love them soooooo much lol...went to their Circus Tour last year and yes, the papers where right...on par with Michael Jackson...what a show!! This is their comeback single for all those of you that have been living under a rock, or in a different country :P lol

Take That - Patience

Monday, 7 June 2010

June 6th 2010 :)

Last night was awesome!!!!

I finished writing chapter 19 (woooo) and the MTV Movie Awards were amaaaaazingggggggg! Hope y'all got a chance to check 'em out :P

Tom Cruise dancing again? Robsten making dreams come true? KStew "Peace-ing out" - makes for an interesting night all round :)

What was your favourite part??

A wee quick apology for all the previous posts but I had to get them up to catch up with the fic and you can easily find all the songs under "Music" over there on the right of your screen :P

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Chapter 18 Track :)

Lol I was watching Armageddon for the 100th time while I wrote this chapter, so of course I had to use the title track :)

Aerosmith - I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing

Chapter 17 Track :)

James Morrison - Love Is Hard, what more is there to say really?

Chapter 16 Track :)

The Script are currently touring their little hearts out and trying to break the States! But we've been loving them for a lot longer over here!! Second single "The Man Who Can't Be Moved" summed up Edward perfectly in chapter sixteen for me :P Enjoy x

The Script - The Man Who Can't Be Moved

Chapter 15 Tracks :)

A monumental chapter in terms of teen angst and so there are two songs! Both of which share a name and give the same message...don't mess with a girls heart :P

Take A Bow - Leona Lewis

Take A Bow - Rihanna

Chapter 14 Track!!

Not the original I know! But the young aussie did such a good job with it that this is the version I'm posting :)

Red - Daniel Merriweather

Chapter 13 Track :)

Taken from Daughtry's newest album this one is called September! While talking about remembering back I thought it was fitting due to the increasing number of flashbacks in this fic :P

September - Daughtry

Chapter 12 Track

I realise that the lyrics in this are a tiny bit different from the ones that I posted but they are close enough :P Mine came from an original version of the song before it was released :P

Broken - Lifehouse

Chapter 11 Track!

Now it would be a challenge to find someone who doesn't know this song! Even if it's not by the original artist...which of course is Coldplay :P Stunning song...

The Scientist - Coldplay

Chapter 10 Track :)

Another Mat Kearney!! The only artist I've used twice so far! This one's called Here We Go...hope y'all enjoy x

Chapter 9 Track :)

Our Bella isn't quite as crazy as this video would suggest but Pink is the queen of lyricising heartbreak...

Please Don't Leave Me - Pink


Chapter 8 Track :)

Mat Kearney! I love this guy, he deserves so much more praise than he gets :P This one is called All I Have...fitting don't you think?


Chapter 7 Track

Not my favourite song, but the lyrics certainly say what I want them too :P

Chapter 6 Track :)

Stereophonics!!! For those of you who aren't British or don't know this band, you are seriously missing out!!!

Here's Dakota...chosen for it's summer lyrics as it ties in with Bella's first proper flashback of her summer in New York (that isn't a lemon) :P

Notice how it resembles my penname?? That's how much I love them :):)


Chapter 5 Title Track :)

Secrets by One Republic...wasn't released when I wrote this chapter but I'm happy to confirm that it now is :) How awesome? :P

Chapter 4 Title Track :)

The first chapter of Forget Me Not to have a lyrical introduction...

Friday, 4 June 2010

The Banner Blackmail :P

NEWS! :)

jbe86 over on The Writers Coffee Shop mentioned how my lemony outtake prize was unfair to all those who couldn't make a banner!

Very true but any outtakes I make will be posted at the end of this story as just that :) The winner just gets it earlier...if they even want it :)

So no fretting guys! Y'all will get it eventually...I wouldn't leave you without now would I? :P


Thursday, 3 June 2010


Sooo doesn't look like my first attempt this does it?? :)

I promise things will get more exciting when I actually learn how to do this and someone takes an active interest :P

All and any help will be much appreciated :P
