Saturday, 11 December 2010

New Ideas...From You Guys!

I realised two things this fine snowless morning...

1. I don't update this nearly often enough :) Something I am raring to remedy...oh joy...just another thing I'm going to become addicted times :)

2. I barely ever say anything about Beyond the Glass? It's always about Forget Me Not. And just because the latter is 30 chapters longer is no excuse! :) So what can I post about BtG?? I don't actually know...I could start doing my song choices like I did for FMN...but I fear that may become a little overbearing...but what else?

I started a group for FMN...but I don't want to do the same things for all my here I find myself I'm asking my silent maybe throw me a curveball...what can I do?? Assuming of course that you read BtG :P It would help tbh...

Okais, that was all really...

Over and out :)

Sarah xx

Friday, 10 December 2010

What We Learned in Chapter 33!

Soooooooooooo, that was one long ass conversation was it not???? 6500 words dedicated to E & B trying to sort their shit out! And E still doesn't know the whole truth!!!!!! What will it take?? :O

Anyways, because I put so much in there I would just like to make sure that y'all did actually catch it all!

  • E still doesn't know what was in the envelope, Bella was the one who had that flashback, not E.

  • Bella can't have kids.

  • We finally know exactly what is wrong with Bella. If you want you can Google her syndrome, but I assure you it is real, and not something anyone wants to live with.
  • Bella is losing her hair...but why?

  • E has put the pieces together - kind of - just like Emmett told him to do! Only, he won't face the truth? Because the poor boy knows that the only thing tangible in his life is his relationship with Bella. Would you want that to disappear if you were him?

  • We FINALLY know where E was the night Lauren told us he slept with her. I mean, we all knew he didn't do it, but now we know the truth! Phew!

  • And least importantly...we know where E's change of clothes came :P

  • Did I miss anything??

Lol, let me know if I did :) And I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter! :)

Sarah xx

Chapter 33 Tracks!

Sooo...we have come upon another chapter that has two songs! But when E is singing one of them, we can't really complain can we?? :O

The first, another Nickelback number. I swear, every chapter of this fic could start with a Chad's quite depressing to realise really... :P

I'd Come For You - Nickelback

The second, is by British band McFly :P It was never released, but I'm sure y'all will forgive me for using a little known song, because really...the lyrics really do work for our E, don't they? I also realise that if you read this before you review, then I've just given the answer away :P

Walk In The Sun - McFly