Thursday, 28 June 2012

Royal Duty Ch.2 Teaser :D

Hey all!

I've been blown away by the response to this story! 417 favourites over on ffn and I've only posted one chapter! Thanks to everyone who is reading and reviewing!

Chapter two should go up either later today or tomorrow, but until then, I'll leave you a little tease :D

Sarah x


“Leaving so soon, Princess? I’m hurt…” That voice.

With my shoulders squared, I looked back at the doorway and found a man standing in it, his shoulder against the wood, one foot crossed over the other one, and his arms folded in front of him. His slate-grey cotton t-shirt, and the dark-wash jeans that hung perfectly from his hips atop his brown leather high-tops, made his skin seem pale, but the way his clothes fit him had me thinking completely different thoughts altogether.

Thoughts, I reminded myself, I shouldn’t have been thinking at all. This man, no matter how good looking he had turned out to be, was my enemy, of sorts.

He was looking at me expectantly, but not in an “I’m waiting for an answer” kind of way. It was almost like he was waiting for me to prove something to him, and I couldn’t figure out what it was.

His face was angular, his jaw covered by a slight shadow, his eyes sparkling in the light that reached them, and his hair…it wasn’t until I reached his hair that I realised I was looking at the same man the maid in the palace had been talking about. She had been right.

It took me too long to realise I had been staring for far too long, and my tongue was slow to spring into action.

“Yes, well, it seems I was tricked into coming down here. I have no intention of sticking around, so I bid you good-day.”

I noticed his face fall and wondered why before I reminded myself I didn’t care. I had only taken two steps when his voice stopped me again.

“Wait, I’m sorry. I should have introduced myself.”

There was an edge of desperation to his voice that I couldn’t quite understand as I stood with my back to him. Stubbornly I didn’t turn around, nor did I answer him. I realised I was being rude and aloof, but I just stood there, waiting for him to continue.

“Princess?” His voice was closer this time; he’d come up behind me without my hearing him. Sighing internally, I turned slowly, noting the way my heart rate stuttered as I took in his close proximity.

We stood in silence, staring at each other. I could feel my face heating the longer I was subjected to his gaze, but more than that, I felt warm as his eyes flicked over my face, between my eyes, down over my lips, following the flowing curls of my hair.

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Royal Duty is up!!

Hey all!

Just a quick post to let you all know that my newest fic, Royal Duty, is up on fanfiction for y'all to have a wee peek at if you so desire :D

Don't forget to let me know what you think if you do :D

Sarah x

Sunday, 17 June 2012

FMN Ch.46 Track!

Chapter 46 of Forget Me Not has gone live!!

Here's the link if you need it, but by now I'm pretty sure you know where to find it :)

Also, the song for this chapter was found by complete chance while I was surfing through youtube videos. Leddra is an English singer/songwriter, but hardly known at all. I think this should change. Check out her youtube page and her amazing songs.

This one is A Little Easier and the lyrics are scarily right for the chapter, but my fave has got to be Story so check em both out if you have the time!! :D

Anyways, hope you enjoy the chapter and I hope to hear from you!! This one is dedicated to Fathers Day, so happy Dad's Day to all the dad's and dads-to-be out there!

Sarah x

Saturday, 16 June 2012

FMN Ch.46 Teaser :D

Hey all!!

I'm on schedule again this chapter for posting! Really happy that it looks like I'm back into the swing of things :)

Anyways, the chapter should be going up either tomorrow or Monday, but in the mean time I thought I'd leave you with a wee teaser :D

Enjoy xx

Chapter 46 - Go A Little Easier

Everything hurt, like seriously, everything.

My head was heavy, with an ache right up the centre of my skull, my legs were cramped from being in the same position, and my eyes had me wanting to scream in pain when I opened them. Not to mention my chest, fuck, everything in my chest hurt.

Someone had just shut the door. That was what had woken me up. I glanced at the clock, screwing my eyes up to try and read it. I couldn’t really make sense of what I was reading and wondered why the hell my brain couldn’t just tell me what time it was.

What the fuck had Carlisle given me?

I remembered him talking to me in that doctor-y tone of his, his hand on my shoulder as he told me to breathe. I remembered him sticking a needle in my arm and the fuzziness that crept over me as he laid me down. I remembered the anger I felt at him fucking putting me out like a light, but then I remembered the warmth and calm that spread through my whole body and that maybe I shouldn’t have felt so angry towards him, he was only trying to help.

The sound of Emmett’s Jeep starting up from the garage told me that maybe they had headed to school and that’s what had woken me.

The more I thought about it, the more I realised I had been perfectly content sleeping away my demons. It had been peaceful, uninterrupted.

No, I thought suddenly. It had been interrupted. I had woken for apparently no reason and Bella had been right there. I thought it was a dream, that I’d projected her face to where I wanted to see it most in the world. She was watching me quietly a few yards from where I was lying. She looked like shit, but she was still the most beautiful girl in the world.

My thoughts jarred me back into reality. She was the only girl I’d ever thought that about. There was no other girl, no mystery girlfriend from my time in New York. The relief I felt was palpable and I sank back onto the sofa slowly.

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