Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Royal Duty Ch.6 TEASER :D

Hey all!!

This week's teaser is a few days early - see how much I appreciate you all? :P

Chapter 6 (this one) has been completely rewritten to mould into a plotline I didn't set out with in mind, but you guys were not enjoying the wait in the original, so the conversation in this chapter is at least 4 chapters earlier than planned...However, I'm sticking with some of my original ideas, so you won't get it all your way :P

I hope you enjoy this chapter, and think better of Bella, Edward and me, at the end of it :D


Chapter 6 - Fears and Fittings

I stared at him, not sure what, or even if, I was supposed to say something.

He raised his eyes, but they wouldn’t meet mine, and I found myself desperate to look into the deep green depths. I didn’t know him very well, but I already knew that any time I looked into his eyes, I’d see the truth and know where I stood – he didn’t even need to say anything.

Suddenly, insecurities I didn’t even know I’d been harbouring surfaced in me, making it harder to breathe.

“You’re leaving…” I whispered. The pain those simple words caused me nearly knocked the wind out of me as I sat up straighter and brought myself closer to him. I knew, right then, that despite everything I’d put him through, and the fact that it would be my fault if he did, I didn’t want him to go.

His head snapped up, shock and confusion written across his face, but a tiny bit of acceptance lingering in his eyes. It was like I had just made up his mind for him. I felt foolish, he hadn’t been thinking of that at all, but I’d just put the idea in his head.

“I’ve been trying so hard, Bella. You don’t even seem to care that we’re in this together…” He shook his head in frustration. Standing up, the hand that I’d been about to lay on his fell back to my lap and he stared down at it in silence.

“I-I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know what I was supposed to feel. I still don’t know how I’m supposed to feel. It’s like everyone around me is expecting something and I don’t know if I’m feeling it because they want me to or because I actually, truly do. I feel so angry that I was lied to, misled, when you weren’t.

“Five years is a long time, Edward. It might not seem like it, and I get that this was forced on you, too, I do, but you’ve had five years. I haven’t even had five weeks…”

Tears leaked from the corners of my eyes and I brushed them away angrily.

The chapter should be up by the weekend :D I'll be replying to all your reviews between now and then so look out for that too :D
See you soon xx

Friday, 20 July 2012

Beyond the Glass Ch.22 TEASER :D

Wow, no you didn't read that wrong, there really is a new chapter of BtG!!

I can't apologise enough for the wait you've all patiently endured, I know most of you already know that it just wasn't coming to me.

Thankfully most of you read more than one of my fics and haven't been compeletely starved, FMN is doing well! :P

Anyways, a little teaser for the next chapter to get you in the mood :D Oh, and a recap of what happened last might help :P

Previously - Jasper found out what Edward tried to do and walked out, stating that they were over and that Edward "ruins everything." Edward got his moment with Bella, told her the truth about his fear of her, kissed the girl numb and then got his heart broken when Bella told him Jasper had got there before him. He walked out, a broken man, and Bella realised the epic mistake she'd made. Since then, her music has been picking up on YouTube and James has turned into the star we all love. Bella confronted her mother about her savings and found herself her own place. She's moved out, moved on and moving up with her life, free of Edward, heartache and her mother.

Chapter 22 - A House is not a Home

I’d spent the better part of a month trying to forget about Edward and his departure, but no matter how hard I tried, it was still there. The feel of his hands on my skin, the taste of his mouth on mine. I heard the sound of his voice – quiet and reserved – as he told me the truth for the first time. I remembered the look in his eyes as he tried to make me understand.

Then I remembered the pain in my chest when I had to shatter his ideas, the tugging I felt deep inside as he walked away from me. The fissure I felt cracking open when Heidi told me he was gone, the shame I felt when I realized it was my fault. The disgust at myself when I realized I’d used two guys at the same time – two best friends – and pitted them against one another unknowingly. The hurt I felt when I lost both of them.

My fingers were flying over the keys angrily until the same melody sounded again and again. It smoothed out when I thought over all the headlines I’d read in that same month – the ones about me, the ones about Jasper, but mostly the ones about Edward.

He was back in New York, back to his old ways: the drinking, the girls, the parties. There was barely a day that went passed without a picture of him falling out of some club with two girls on his arm from the night before.

I fell silent. New York had never appealed to me, even when I’d stayed there, but I remembered Jamie saying it was by far the best city in the world. The soul, the music, the sounds, the feel, everything was alive he’d said. I wondered if Edward liked being there, if he felt alive while he was there.
For the first time since he’d left, I wished with every part of my being that he’d walk back through my door. Maybe he’d smile, or maybe he’d just smirk cockily as I lost my nerve with whatever I’d been playing. He’d sit on the couch behind Jamie, cross his legs at his ankles and stretch out like he owned the place, revelling in the way I completely fell apart in his presence.
God, I missed him.
See you soon!

Fanfiction Fail!

Hey guys!

I'm sure you've all noticed the numerous update e-mails from ffn about Royal Duty...

It seems some of you can see the chapter but not review, and the rest of you can't access it at all!


So, I've taken it down completely for now. I'll only wait until tomorrow and try again. Hopefully the problem doesn't persist, it usually only fails for a few hours.

Sorry for the inconvenience, I will post it as soon as possible!

Thanks for your patience :D

Sarah x

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Royal Duty Ch.5 TEASER :D

Hey all!

It's that time of the week again! :D:D

I'm doing pretty well with keeping on schedule with these updates, I'm quite proud of myself :)

Anyways, I'm editing the chapter this evening and replying to all your awesome reviews, so in the meantime you can have a little teaser to whet your appetite for tomorrow :D

Enjoy! x


“I heard her before I saw her – someone squealing in delight, a voice that was getting closer. I don’t recall if anyone else noticed, but I was intrigued. Isabella came barrelling around the corner in this little blue dress and white shoes, laughing and squealing. It turned out she’d been playing hide and seek with one of her father’s closest advisors, and she’d run away when he threatened to tickle her.

“I didn’t even speak to her that day, but I don’t think I’ll ever forget her smile or the way she looked.”

“Clearly. You can even remember what she was wearing!” Marcus exclaimed.

“I hope I don’t embarrass myself by admitting that I think I was probably smitten. She was pretty, or at least that’s what I thought at the time,” Edward answered, squeezing my hand and smiling at me.

“At the time?” Marcus asked.

“Well, now, she’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. Pretty doesn’t do her justice.” I blushed under his gaze and dropped my head as Marcus turned to look at me.

“Isabella?” Marcus probed, wanting to know what I had to say to that.

“I’m afraid I don’t remember that day, Marcus. I guess I was too young,” I admitted at least partially truthfully. I would have been too young, if it had ever happened.

Yes, it's that time!! You will all find out what really happened all those years ago, and just how well they knew each other :D:D

See you all soon!

Sarah x

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Royal Duty Ch.4 TEASER :)

Hey all!

So usually, by this point in the week, the new chapter would already be put up but I've been working crazy hours and helping with too many things to even begin to mention!

I apologise that y'all are waiting 2/3 days extra for the actual chapter, but I hope you enjoy the teaser anyways...I LOVED writing this chapter, and chapter 5, so I genuinely do hope you enjoy reading them :)



Chapter 4: A Royal Engagement

Even the date had been set. No one else knew, but Edward and I had sat at either side of the fireplace in his suite one cool evening to discuss it. He had a glass of bourbon in his right hand and I folded mine atop my knee as I watched him swirl the amber liquid mindlessly. I had tried to ignore the way his eyes lingered on my ankles and moved up my bare legs. I blamed the heat I felt in my exposed skin down to the fire quietly crackling beside me. I pretended I hadn’t caught him looking, and ignored the way he tried to concentrate on the conversation again.

It was a heady feeling, knowing someone was obviously attracted to you, and wanted to spend time with you. I felt powerful in his presence, like I could make him do anything if it meant pleasing me, but for some reason I also felt vulnerable. I didn’t want him to know anything about me, scared he might use it somewhere down the line, to the extent that we always talked about him. I had gotten into the habit of changing the subject every time he asked about me or my past.

I was sure he was on to me, but each time he would just smile sadly to himself and stare into the distance. I didn’t know what he was thinking, but I wanted to. I wanted to know what he thought of me, our wedding, my family, the palace I had grown up in…but to ask him outright would be to admit to being curious, and I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of gaining my attention.

“It’s the start of May now, maybe June? Is that enough time for invitations to go out and everything else to be sorted?” he’d asked me softly, his eyes very much on mine.

“It’s a Royal wedding. If we announced it to be at the end of next week everyone would still show up. And I was assured my dress would be ready within a month, that was the only thing that was going to take a long time,” I’d replied. I’d given my order – as it were – almost two weeks prior, so June would work.

“How about the twentieth?” I’d asked. For some reason the date had been floating around in my head for weeks, and I had no idea why. I’d checked every diary I still had in my possession and the calendars around the palace to see if there was anything special about it, but I couldn’t find anything.

Edward had looked surprised as he answered me. “The twentieth of June? Why?”

He’d looked away quickly when I shrugged. “I don’t know really. It’s been stuck in my head for a while. We can choose another day if you don’t like it.”

His piercing gaze landed on me and I’d fidgeted under its intensity. He looked like he was trying to figure me out, like maybe I was lying about something, and I wasn’t sure what he’d find.

“No, I guess the twentieth isn’t any different from any other day. We’ll go with the twentieth.”

Once again, his eyes had held that faraway sadness I’d come to know, but got nowhere closer to understanding why. It was like everything I said, everything I did, and most importantly, everything I didn’t say or do, made him sad.

Should be up on Saturday folks!!


Thursday, 5 July 2012

Royal Duty Teaser: Ch.3! :D

Hey all!!!

I'm taking today to reply to all your wonderful reviews, so I'm leaving you a little teaser to tide you over until tomorrow :D

Hope y'all enjoy :D:D



Edward was sitting across from me, his foot resting alongside mine under the table, and I’d been trying to ignore the way the fabric of his jeans brushed my bare leg every time he fidgeted, which was a lot.

The dark shadows under his eyes told me he hadn’t slept, again, and the out-of-control manner of his hair was the outcome of him running his fingers through it all morning. From watching him surreptitiously over the last weeks, I knew this to be an outlet of his stress. If he was frustrated or annoyed, with himself or others, he took it out on his precious locks. Yes, they were precious, I’d come to admire them in the short time I’d known him-while everyone else in the palace was turned out to perfection, he dressed casually and comfortably, and his hair was never, ever tamed.

I liked it that way. He seemed more normal to me that way.

His eyes snapped to mine when my mother’s outburst garnered his attention, and I blushed under his scrutiny. I didn’t want him to know I’d been thinking about him instead of my – our – wedding cake, and I was terrified he’d be able to read it all over me with those inquisitive emerald eyes of his.

“I’m sorry, I’m a little warm. Out of the first half, I like six, nine and eleven the most. I’m just going to get some air, ask Edward which he prefers.” I avoided eye contact with him as I blushed deeper, knowing I hadn’t used his name in a very long time, if ever.

This was the first wedding meeting we’d both been present for, so I’d never had to act like an in-love fiancée in front of anyone before. I wasn’t sure I was actually managing it. I’d barely looked at him, hardly asked him his opinion and avoided interacting with him at all. They had to know something was up.

Sunday, 1 July 2012

TEASER: Forget Me Not Ch-47 :)

Forget Me Not - Chapter 47 - Alone


I was sure in my head, somewhere, I knew why Bella was avoiding my calls, but I guessed I just didn’t want to face it. I needed her to forgive me, or at least to see me so I could apologize the way she deserved. What she did after that was her decision, but I knew for certain when a whole day passed of her avoiding me that I would fight whatever that decision was.

I was confined to my bed, told I had to rest completely to give my body a chance to recover. As I lay there, my stomach was in knots, gnawing away at my insides, telling me I didn’t stand a chance with Bella after what had happened. After the way I had treated her. My phone was never far from my reach, and I waited anxiously for it to ring. Fuck if it did. I would even sometimes check to see if I’d accidentally turned it off, or if it was on silent, but I knew better, deep down I knew she didn’t want to see me.

We were over, but I couldn’t come to terms with it.

I kept my sketchbook beside me, tracing my fingers over the countless drawings I had done for her since we’d met. I couldn’t stop myself from wondering if I’d ever drawn her before. Surely I must have. Where was everything from my time in New York? There had to be receipts or ticket stubs I’d kept, mementos from our dates, if we even ever had any.

I tried to remember the way she felt beneath my hands that weekend in the tent, the way her skin tasted when I kissed her, the noises she made when I held her the right way, the scent of her hair when I buried my face in her neck. It only frustrated me further when I couldn’t remember the way her laugh sounded when I said something funny, it was completely obliterated by the sound of her screaming at me that day in her house. It played on repeat in my head and no matter what I did, I couldn’t get it out.

She’d stayed Wednesday night with me, but then she’d left first thing in the morning. Did she just need time to herself to understand how she was feeling? She’d taken care of me; she loved me. I could feel it in her touch. I found myself panicking; maybe I’d imagined it, willed it to be true. What if she no longer loved me?
I'm afraid I can't keep to my two week deadline this week, but I promise this chapter won't be more than a few days late :) I'm already at 3500 thousand words, and I know where I'm going, so until it is posted, I hope you savour this little tease to bide you over :D
Sarah x