Thursday, 5 July 2012

Royal Duty Teaser: Ch.3! :D

Hey all!!!

I'm taking today to reply to all your wonderful reviews, so I'm leaving you a little teaser to tide you over until tomorrow :D

Hope y'all enjoy :D:D



Edward was sitting across from me, his foot resting alongside mine under the table, and I’d been trying to ignore the way the fabric of his jeans brushed my bare leg every time he fidgeted, which was a lot.

The dark shadows under his eyes told me he hadn’t slept, again, and the out-of-control manner of his hair was the outcome of him running his fingers through it all morning. From watching him surreptitiously over the last weeks, I knew this to be an outlet of his stress. If he was frustrated or annoyed, with himself or others, he took it out on his precious locks. Yes, they were precious, I’d come to admire them in the short time I’d known him-while everyone else in the palace was turned out to perfection, he dressed casually and comfortably, and his hair was never, ever tamed.

I liked it that way. He seemed more normal to me that way.

His eyes snapped to mine when my mother’s outburst garnered his attention, and I blushed under his scrutiny. I didn’t want him to know I’d been thinking about him instead of my – our – wedding cake, and I was terrified he’d be able to read it all over me with those inquisitive emerald eyes of his.

“I’m sorry, I’m a little warm. Out of the first half, I like six, nine and eleven the most. I’m just going to get some air, ask Edward which he prefers.” I avoided eye contact with him as I blushed deeper, knowing I hadn’t used his name in a very long time, if ever.

This was the first wedding meeting we’d both been present for, so I’d never had to act like an in-love fiancée in front of anyone before. I wasn’t sure I was actually managing it. I’d barely looked at him, hardly asked him his opinion and avoided interacting with him at all. They had to know something was up.

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